Having just said farewell to
Lee and Mary Barnes, as they left for the Diocese of Liverpool in July, and now
preparing to welcome (Revds) John and Alice Monaghan as they join us in June
2013, it’s sadly now time for the Abbey to bid farewell to Paul Tilley as he
leaves us for the University of Bristol at the October half-term.
Paul is about to take a new
direction in life as he studies full-time for an M.A. in Educational Psychology
and then undertakes a paid Ph.D. in Educational Psychology. This is really great
news for Paul and it will be sad to see him go after he’s become such an
important part of us over the last three years; but after a pretty rough
2011/12 I’m pleased for Paul that his life and learning is being refreshed and
that he faces new challenges and opportunities in Bristol.
Pipeline, Trax, and the
Friday Night Thing will be losing a good teacher and friend at half term and we
will say goodbye to Paul at our 4pm service on October 21st.
What next for our Youth
department at the Abbey? Well, myself and the PCC have decided not to rush to answer that
question but to listen to the needs and insights of the leadership teams for
both Abbey youth and children's departments. We’ll also want to look at our
2013/2014 budgets and plan wisely and sustainably before we make staff
appointments, if any.
Our first task is volunteer personnel. Sarah McGrory continues with us on placement during her final year studying for a B.A. in youth and community work. Sarah will continue to oversee Trax (11-14) and SiB (at Malmesbury School )
and serve on the leadership of Malmesbury Abbey Skate 2013 with myself. We are
immediately looking to recruit, from our congregations, volunteers with a
passion for God and young people to serve as leaders and assistants for
Pipeline and the Friday Night Thing, who will be supported and trained by myself and the
youth leadership. Initially we’re asking people to commit from early-November through
to next summer and particularly asking mature Christians with teaching experience
to step forward. But we also are looking for people, who want to grow in a new
area of ministry, who love young people and who are considerably cooler than
the vicar, to commit to serving once or twice a month. Our Youth department is a
great place to grow in your own faith, to help shape the lives of young people,
and to go insane.
Please e-mail neill@malmesburyabbey.com to
explore this, and pray for Paul, Eloise, Isaac & Reuben as an exciting new
chapter begins in Bristol .