As Revd John Monaghan joins
us as Curate this Sunday it’s worth reflecting on the not so short journey to
becoming a minister in the Church of England. Years after becoming a disciple
of Jesus and after considerable volunteer ministry in the local church, men and
women who feel called to serve in leadership in the church are finally allowed
off the coffee rota and go through an extensive and prayerful selection process
which includes the local church, the diocese and finally a selection conference
for the national church. After selection comes three years of theological and
pastoral training which then continues to some extent in the curacy. Next year
John will be ordained Priest, which
will bring new dimensions to his ministry involving the sacrament of Holy
Communion, conducting weddings, and increased leadership responsibility. This
weekend John was ordained Deacon,
which, quite profoundly, places at the heart of his ministry a commitment to
serve the world and to serve the gospel; it is Anglican practice that the
servant heart of Christ should remain
before Christian leaders throughout their ministry. Before John was ordained
deacon these are the words the Bishop proclaimed over all the candidates:
‘Deacons are called to work
with the Bishop and the priests with whom they serve as heralds of Christ's
kingdom. They are to proclaim the gospel in word and deed, as agents of God's
purposes of love. They are to serve the community in which they are set,
bringing to the Church the needs and hopes of all the people. They are to work
with their fellow members in searching out the poor and weak, the sick and
lonely and those who are oppressed and powerless, reaching into the forgotten
corners of the world, that the love of God may be made visible.
Deacons share in the
pastoral ministry of the Church and in leading God's people in worship. They
preach the word and bring the needs of the world before the Church in
intercession. They accompany those searching for faith and bring them to
baptism. They assist in administering the sacraments; they distribute communion
and minister to the sick and housebound.
Deacons are to seek
nourishment from the Scriptures; they are to study them with God's people, that
the whole Church may be equipped to live out the gospel in the world. They are
to be faithful in prayer, expectant and watchful for the signs of God's
presence, as he reveals his kingdom among us.’
Please remember John and Alice , Philip, Toby and
Clara, as their life and ministry among us formally begins today. It is a
privilege to have them among us for this important part of their journey.
(Placing bets as to whether Revd Alice or Revd John will be a Bishop first is inappropriate at this
stage, but may feature as part of future fundraising at the Abbey.)