One question I have been asked consistently in the last month is this: ‘will The Malmesbury Nativity be the same as last year?’ I am really quite proud of myself; at no point have I answered ‘actually, it’s going to be twins this year.’ A longer and more helpful answer follows.
Last year we wanted a new mix. Carols that had a live band and nodded in the direction of the contemporary folk rock; actors who were trained actors, not vicars pretending; a set that brought everybody close to the action, rather have people 20 rows back straining to see; and something really ‘Malmesbury’ not a generic Christmas play. So we created a script with Aldhelm, William, Eilmer and Hannah Twynnoy as the story tellers—a play within a play. But what we also really wanted was the birth of Christ from the Bible; not The Snowman's Christmas Miracle or What the Donkey saw in the Manger One Starlit Night with the Church Mouse.
Our challenge was to take the birth narratives of the gospels of Luke and Matthew, word for word, NRSV, not a word changed or added, and bring them to life in such a way that over 1000 people wouldn’t realise that they had just been listening in to the Bible. This also meant that Simeon’s prophecy of Mary’s anguish (Luke 2:35) turned up before the Magi, and put the agony of the cross into the nativity story with subtlety, as Luke intended.
So is it different this year? No; St Matthew and St Luke seem pretty happy with their scripts and scenes 3-6 remain the same. And although we thought of introducing King Athelstan, we’re holding him back for a future year.
So is it different this year? Yes. The beginning and ending are not the same and we’ve added a new song. For those of you who remember last year, there has been some big change in the Old Man’s life and he won’t be listening to Sport’s report. You’ll just have to wait and see.
Tickets are still available for 4 of the 6 performances. Young children are particularly welcome to come dressed as a shepherd ,angel, magi, Mary or Joseph.