Thursday 19 April 2012

St Arbuck's

Before Easter two tourists came into Malmesbury Abbey. They walked up to the stewards’ desk and asked ‘do you have a café?’ The stewards answered no, and then the couple turned around and walked straight out. I was tempted to say that they ‘flounced’ out, but it wasn’t that dramatic really. You’d want to ask them were they not a little interested in seeing the tomb of the first king of England, Athelstan the Glorious? Did they not want to stand on the site where saints since the 7th century have said their prayers and feel the holiness? Did they not want to use one of our three toilets? (They’ve got stained glass.) No, for them it was all about coffee – and to be honest I am relatively coffee-fuelled too and understand their dependency.

They should come back as this Monday, 23rd April, Clare Cork, our new Café Manager, opens the Abbey Café for the first time. If each of our 50,000 tourists stops off for a cup of tea and a cup cake, we will be totally stuffed, but happy. Why are we doing this? Well it will certainly enhance our tourists’ visit – a king, stained glass, toilets and a sandwich – and it should be a distinctive new watering hole for Malmesbury, with monks singing and Fairtrade drinks. It will help us pay to keep our 12th century building from falling down around us, and it should welcome those who really need a welcome or even a chat and a prayer. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.  (Matthew 25:35)

It would be great if you stopped by in the early days, and if you have two hours a week to volunteer and don’t mind smiling and washing your hands we have a job for you.

1 comment:

  1. I was amazed to see a cafe in the Abbey! In truth a little shocked too. I wondered how the 'old guard' had reacted to the idea. But after thinking about it, I remembered that however beautiful a church is, and the Abbey is special to me, it is not as important as the people in it. So bravo!
