Friday 21 December 2012

Biblical Hermeneutics

Biblical hermeneutics is the art of interpreting the written texts of our ancient, inspired writings. And, as we sit in the warm glow of our Christmas tree, it’s important to enter, interpret and seriously apply our nativity texts.

The Magi came from the East is an interesting affirmation of current practice for Christians in North Wiltshire. At this time of year Cabot Circus and Cribbs Causeway are traditionally being approached from the east and, extraordinarily, just as the star slowed and stopped over Bethlehem, we slow and stop as we approach the junctions with the M32 or the M5. Mmmmm. It makes you think doesn’t it?

Suddenly there was with the Angel a multitude clearly refers to the sudden and shocking appearance of many things from absolutely nowhere; such as when a messenger brings items of online (celestial?) shopping mysteriously to your front door. Where do these things come from? How do they know we’re here? How do they know exactly the wrong size for each item of clothing?

And the shepherds were abiding in the fields watching is clearly a reference to the isolated men simply sitting and watching, clutching a strong black coffee, waiting for that moment when they can return with their flock from the fields of customer browsing.

Obviously, what I’ve presented to you is an expert’s view. Alternative positions on these texts might imply that the Angels point us to the divinity of Jesus, the Magi call us to lay down our lives in worship of Jesus, and the Shepherds challenge us to share with others the good news of Jesus. You’ll have to make up your own mind and react accordingly.

In the mean time, many thanks from Marilyn and myself for all your lovely cards and presents; they’re greatly appreciated. And sincere love and peace from all the members of the leadership at the Abbey to our brothers and sisters with whom we serve. It’s a joy to work with you as we proclaim the one born in Bethlehem across the communities of North Wiltshire. Happy Christmas.

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